1450-1925 A.D. | West Calligraphy from the Ottoman empire and other places in the western Muslim world < Back to Images AllCalligraphy ToolDivaniIlluminationKuficMaghribiModernMuhaqqaqNaskhNasta‘liqOther or unnamed scriptRayhaniRiqa‘Ruq’ahShikasteTawqi‘Ta‘liqThuluthRound SealCalligraphic CompositionCalligraphic PanelCalligraphic Composition in DécoupageLoose-leaf, Single-volume Qur’anTreatise on Prophetic MedicineAl-Buni’s Shams al-Ma‘arif al-KubraCalligraphic panel with the shahadahTughra of Sultan Selim IIICalligraphic GalleonPage of CalligraphyAlbum of Calligraphies Including Poetry and Prophetic Traditions (Hadith)Tughra (Insignia) of Sultan Süleiman the Magnificent (r. 1520–66)Qur‘an in Sudani scriptPage of Ottoman CalligraphyCalligraphy pageKaralamaHilyeAlphabet exercisesAlbum pageAlbum of calligraphyAlbum of calligraphyHilyeCalligraphy panelLevhaCalligraphic lionMiniature Qur’anTile panelHilyeTugra of Ahmed ICalligraphic leafCut-out calligraphyQur’anic versesQur’anic versesPart One of a Royal Copy of al-Yahsubi’s Kitab al-Shifa’ bi-Ta‘rif Huquq al-MustafaCenotaph CoverTugra of Murad IIITugra (detail)Wall hangingIjaza (diploma)LevhaMirror imageQur’anic versesA section (juz’) of a Qur’an, sura 67-sura 77Imperial edict of Sultan Ahmed IICalligraphy primerIjaza (diploma)Calligraphy primerFinispiece from a Qur‘anBook of PrayersBook of PrayersAlbum of calligraphic practice sheetsTwo folios from a book of prayersFolio from a Qur’an, Sura 38:75-83Murakka (calligraphic album)