Introducing the art of Arabic, Ottoman, & Persian calligraphy


(Pronounced “nes-tah-leek”; called “talik” in Turkey, called “farsi” in the Arab world)


  • “Nasta‘liq” is thought to be a hybrid of the words “naskh” and “ta‘liq”


  • Nasta‘liq was originally devised to write the Persian language
  • Used in Persia and India/Pakistan for literary and non-Qur’anic works
  • Used for writing Persian poetry
  • Used for albums of calligraphic specimens, called qit‘a


  • Developed in 15th century Iran and perfected in the 16th century in Baghdad and Tabriz
  • Still in use today

Distinctive characteristics

  • Features characteristics of both naskh and ta‘liq
  • Vertical strokes are short, horizontal strokes are broad and sweeping
  • Letter shapes appear to be deep and hook-like
  • Letter shapes vary widely in thickness
  • Overall impression of swiftness, calm, fluidity
  • Letters appear to “float” or “hang” across the page. This quality is increased when the text is arranged diagonally, as is common in nasta‘liq poetry
  • Nasta‘liq is never written with vowels except an occasional hamza and shadda


  • Very difficult to execute
  • Possibly created by Mir ‘Ali Tabrizi as a result of a dream about flying ducks
Poetry verses
Nasta‘liq script. Courtesy of the Library of Congress, African and Middle Eastern Division.
Nasta‘liq script. Courtesy of the Library of Congress, African and Middle Eastern Division.
Folio from Divan (collected poems) of Sultan Husayn Mirza (d.1506)
Nasta‘liq script. Freer Gallery of Art.
Calligraphic page
Nasta‘liq script. Freer Gallery of Art.
Calligraphy from the St. Petersburg album
Nasta‘liq script. Freer Gallery of Art.

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