Nasta‘liq Calligraphy in the nasta‘liq script< See all images AllAlbum Leaf of Shekasteh-ye Nasta‘liqAlbum Leaf with Calligraphic Exercise (siyah mashq)Album of JahangirAlbum Page with Qur’anic VersesCalligraphic leafCalligraphic pageCalligraphy from the St. Petersburg albumCalligraphy from the St. Petersburg albumComposite page of calligraphyComposite page of calligraphyComposite page of calligraphyCut-out calligraphyEulogy to a rulerFolio from Divan (collected poems) by Sultan Husayn Mirza (d.1506)Folio from Divan (collected poems) of Sultan Husayn Mirza (d.1506)Folio with Verses in Nasta‘liq ScriptGulzar panelIlluminated FrontispieceKhusraw u Shirin by Nizami (d.1209) ManuscriptKhusraw u Shirin by Nizami (d.1209) ManuscriptLevhaMakhzan al-asrar (Treasury of secrets)Mufradat exercisesPage from the St. Petersburg albumPage from the St. Petersburg albumPage of calligraphiesPage of calligraphyPage of calligraphyPage of Calligraphy [obverse] from the St. Petersburg albumPoetry versesPoetry versesPoetry versesShah Qajar (3rd Ruler of the Qajar Dynasty)Siyah MashqVerses by JamiVerses in Persian and ChaghatayVerses on tragic love